Lagoon of Bacalar ... An unequaled beauty, witness to many Mayan stories and pirates.

Bacalar's lagoon, also known as the "lagoon of seven colors" for its multiple shades of blue. Bacalar's lagoon is 38 km to Chetumal northwest along the Chetumal-Cancun highway (Road 307), with an approximate length of 50 km and an average of 2 km wide, that flows into the Hondo River, a stream called Chac, and in the Chetumal Bay through a system of shallow channels.


Pirates Channel 

The Pirates Channel is so named because it was here in the eighteenth century pirates and contrabandists arrived from the Majahual coast to the village of Bacalar in search of natural resources such as the precious campeche wood.

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Birds Island

The Birds Island in Bacalar is an ideal place for ecotourism as well as for fans in photography, it is a great variety of birds species such as parrots, owls, hawks, and so on calandrias.

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Blue Cenote 

It is an extraordinary site for diving, and without counting with an expectant visibility, offers intricate labyrinths of roots and trunks interlaced and superimposed around various sizes and rock formations on its walls of inclinations between vertical and negative with a background that remains hidden at a distance (more than 90 m deep), it has a cavern that attracts to penetrate whenever you have expert guides and proper training.

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Cenote Cocalitos

Cenote Cocalitos also called Santuario de los Estromatolitos, known in this way for the large number of stratified structures that exist. Cocalitos is a unique and incredible place to observe these unique formations of nature and spend an incredible time with friends and / or family.

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Los Rápidos

Los Rápidos de Bacalar is an unbeatable site in Quintana Roo. Visit its crystalline waters of different shades ranging from sky blue to jade green. Come and see this magical place and learn about the stromatolites, unique in the area and has great importance for aquatic life.

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